What does religion and terrorism have in common?
To be honest, a lot. Religion promoted terrorism for a a long time and still promotes. Religion plays with psychologic of people, maintaing people under constant fear.
The first step if the psychological terror, than the endless judgment for the reasonable person and persecution mania, excluding the non servian from the society and later on, the fundamentalism, that promotes physical treats and murdering, kidnaps and other actions against people, to put them under control and cosntant fear of new attacks.
Religions gone through centuries affirming their beliefs under holy wars, and spiritual laws, to subjulgate other people's beliefs, and promotion of politics with a leadership telling that they are representative of a god in earth, to promote the religious institutions as economical and political institutions, under social control and psychossocial expression of politics.
To know more about religion and terrorism, contact us at cegtebr@gmail.com. Soon with new direct contacts.
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