Survive the Economic Collapse - A Practical Guide - Book recommendation
Very nice guide to survive at this pathological society, where the media is promoting zombies and the government indiscriminated promoted drug addicts and sexual liberty like a method of crowd controlling, femminism and homossexuality for raise a generation controled.
The economy is going to a collapse and it's real, but the order is to know which is the most propable scenario for the new collapse, for de demmand for the resources are infinite and the resources are limited. This financial problem can untie the cultural bonds and promote a a bipolarized society, and promoted illusional goals that things can go better, but only creating more debts and controling more the people's needs.
The only problem is that government tries to take the autonomy of people to act, think and survive, with legal processes that limitate the action of the individual.
To understant more, keep reading our blog and search for this amazing book.
Piero San Giorgio gives good advices for this world problem and the global failure world's government, now exposed by the media, but still restraining economy and the environment.
The capability of humans to survive goes beyond our understanding and limitations, but the legal system and the state police limitate our actions, implementing via media, internet, programmings for disruption of the capability of work and self-subsistance, the religious beliefs as an agent limitator of the capability of humans to not only survive and act, but to think autonomous and the regulamentation of the actions, criminalizing the survavalism.
What we sse nowadays is a sick society, dependent of global economists and afraid of a police state, when the certain is the State to work to citizens, not vice versa, and the corruption as a part of the elite, acting beyond the legal system.
To survive is go for yourself, respect the limitations, have the capability of understanding and get ready to the collapse.
Very recomended reading!
![Resultado de imagem para economic collapse](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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