Outsourcing Terrorism - Blackwater Model gone Jihadi - article
When Nietzsche once said that "Under a peaceful condition, a warlike man attacks himself", he was going beyond every single moral that promoted man, himself, a valuable man, breaking values once were important for a character and going to the needs and, promoting new social values, different from before.
The world full of warriors that are formed to achieve political goals, goes beyond man's understandings. The fighting and promotional warfare for lands, influence, resoureces and environment raised a level, scaled Machiavelean, of importance of national values, leadership and identity, that with the globalisation and information, gone thicker. Social values now are promoted by concrete, but financial, and values are priced. So in a civilization that promoved religious and identitary-national values, forgot to give back the return on what they constructed, forming a non-identitary society.
When we see lot of well trained men, gone to special forces to fight purposes, we expect them to understand their place at society, as soldiers and servants of an ideal, but we see the consequence of men beind disposed and replaced by new dinamic forms of action, adequacy for new model of social behaviors and than military personal losts his identity on their belifs.
We saw it Rambo's First Blood the problem of how a man are dispensed to armies and the difficulty of having a job, considered sometimes a pariah for society, and see that nowadays things didn't fix, for ex-military. But now we have more information, new forms of recruitment, and fast spread of information, doing a possibility or replacement on new stages of their selves.
Lack of moral and moral values are in constant clash.
Jihadi groups, since Al Qaeda, used to recruit local members as promoting Al Qaeda a holding for small business franchiging model, what made a good business to promote terorism from outsourced groups and honoring themselves with the title of the attacker.
When the reality of civil society brings up the difficulties of being a 'normal' man, searching for a plae of socity and living in laws, are problematic to those who didn't have a technic formation or a civilized living, and became real warriors, and the need to have a war is necessary to their economic lives.
The market business is promotes big corporation and the scenario they build to promove their goals.
In this promotion, the break of some values and morals make the 'well trained men' act many times amoral and anti-ethic, by leading their path against the reason they were raised before. This shock of morals and values like the religious beliefs, nationalism, reconigtion now clash with the reality of lack of reconigtion, job offering off their reality, new circle of knowledge, economic needs, money problems, social pathologies, and the need of living in a capitalistic society, that doesn't raise values but money order, make these people go to a side, once against, but, now favorable, because of the offering of oportunities and jobs.
And the corporative-Darwinism is promoted by a group, an elitist group, of businessman that promotes, together bankers, environmentalists, philantropists and statesmen, needs to promote warfare, searching for good scenarios, nor even favorable to ones who are in the battlefield, but offering jobs, that's how mercenarism went on again to the main program of new scalation warfare.
Revolution in Military Affairs went also promoting new technologies, and adaptating to the new ones, even more dynamic, that are making more possible to recruit, contact, and spread propaganda, and corrupt some minds that need that chaotic scenario to make a self reconigtion. Remembering the suicide numbers are big, alchoolic and drug addiction has grown between ex-military personal.
The corporate model that Blackwater brought back, regret some of these values, and implement a new value that a citizen can join an army and fight for some ideal, even if it's not the ones of himself was risen, but a value that corporation raises, a new flag, another country's value, that gives him oportunities to raise himself economicaly and socialy.
Now, terrorist groups copied this model to promote not only lone wolves contractors, but operational. PMCs in failed countries raise new flags of nationalism, promoting oportunities to unemployed people and fight for his country, under a contract, and with no legal contract with the public sector.
These ex-military are very requested for operational terrorists, that need success at their actions.
Also, other kind of criminal activities like guerrillas, that need their expertise to promote local militias; Militias to create a fake security, localized, with charge of money; international drug traffick; local criminal activities and sexual exploration; criminal net and recruitment for lone wolves; and also, to make security of drug lords, cartels and other criminal leaders. Military and Special Forces training, and battlefield experience put him on advantage on others.
Jihadists searching for overseas contracting, different level of recruitment for lone wolves, because to operational focus, they need well trained men, capable to lead and capable to achieve goals, capable to complete the mission. And this recruitment goes to the ones who are unsatisfied economicaly with the reality after the military life. The Dogs of War, ones who were trained for a goal and there is no more reason to be applied.
Now we have models of outsourcing terrorist groups, with foreigners, ethnicaly differents, many times with other faith, with different family values, but raising new moral values, for a position on a group, be it criminal or not, mercenary.
That's how the peaceful scenario is not favorable to special forces trained personal, for a clash of ethics and amorality, to put him on a self realization, even if it goes against their former morals.
The PMCs and the impacts are favorable. The PMCs are a model of business that came to promote this activity, from private security on extreme scenarios to large scale conflict, small wars and mercenarism, brough oportunity to the mercenary/soldier to fight for his country, under the contract of his government, with a logic of a national corporation, acting overseas.
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