Is Guaidó a puppet for the neocon / USA politics? - Analysis
The case is that when the Venezuelan leaders felt treatened, the possibility of happening os State Terrorism brings to a real state of fear over population.
The answer is no. Guaidó is a legitime politic, named to support the population that is being suffocated by the government.
A illegitimate government but having the military power at his hands, and also illegal militias and territorial guerrillas to promote the 'Chavizm' and socialist Bolivarian ideology, can attack its own population to have a perpetual government.
In a democratic country as Venezuela, take the capability of serve a public service is the sign that Guaidó is the figure persecuted, and Maduro comes trying to take his legal right, because the support of the population he has and also, take him off the connection to the governments that support his politics of nationalism.
Guaidó image is being used to the government as the image of chaos and coup d'etat in Venezuela, and USA and friends in Brazil is using him to promotion of geo-strategic position, to ocupy Venezuela and project the powers through South America.
The question comes when the USA never took any atitude against the dictatorship in the country, except now. But now the socialist stupidity in form of governments accused Guaidó of being a puppet of USA and the 'imperialism', and promoting terrorism in Country.
The accusations goes beyond the coup d'etat, but goes to a level of idiocy that just a corrupt paranoid leftist can use it.
Andrew Lobaczewski once noted that socialists can be diffamatory and victimized for the cirscunstances when they are in corner, trying to outsource the blame for the circunstances of being persecuted, alleatory attack and promotion of fear at the weaken opposition, like the population. It's how socialists got in power for so long, and created new 'shadow' connections to promote themselves, like criminal activities, political articulations and social disrupt, corrupting specially education and sexual behavior.
The accusations of Maduro to Guaidó is going that Guaidó is helping USA to promote terrorism, by tracking political articulations and selling information and some others that goes to the absurd as sellective killing of officials, sabotage on Caracas metro and electric service, support on military deserters with the strategy of false flag operations, and promote the assassination of president Maduro.
These allegations goes beyond the absurd, trying to criminalize a political figure that has the total legitimacy of international politics and the support of population.
After decades of 'Chavizm', the population are requesting for the basic needs, as the salaries, food and peaceful conditions to live, not under preassure of militias and police.
The articulation is not comming from the right wing in the country, but the international net of the socialist leaders in South America and the socialist government that needs political support.
The terrorism promoted in country by the government and it's going under decades ruled by state terrorism.
![Resultado de imagem para guaido terrorism](
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