Alienation of the self... don't be vulgar

People get alienated in front of the soceity. Society got sick. Full of wicked and criminal behavior, self destructive. Men lost it's manhood and women lost it's feminility. Both humans became part of a social chaos, programmed to control population, lost their values and became weak, needed. Not capable to understand, uncapable to interpret, to create, to survive before the social problems, daily routines.

To not be vulgar, people must break the paradigms, break some rules of the legislation. Legal proccesses are there limitate the self. Break the paradigm is necessary to live, to be free from the chains of society.  When you rip those excesses in your life you will be free your society's needs and be focused on your own needs, primal needs, love, fun, happiness and success.

Man must find itself strong. Intelligent. Gentle. Women must be feminine, capable to evolve the man in it's needs, make the man belong to some passionate desire. Man and women complete each other. 

Religion and legislation spook. In the end we must have our breeds, respect for the traditions, our intelligence and our bodies working full, capable to understant, argue, survive, fight and protect.

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