Venezuela - Blackwater can operate in Venezuela - Analysis

The proxy between Wagner and Blackwater is close.

The historic of Blackwater throws and legitimate the governments by other means are good. Some legal proccess of democracies were shut down with operations in Middle East and now, the founder is trying to promote the return of the company in a possible conflict scenario.

The hybrid scenario that includes criminal activities, militias, mercenaries and public armies of at least 4 countries are being promoted by the process of opposition take the power of the legal government, elected in a fraudulent process of election, under the constant assault of government agents over population.

During the first week of May, Caracas were focused by the issurrection of the population against the government and the excessive use of force against the population.

Trump said that can have a military operation in Venezuela to support Guaidó and Russia interfered on the communication, explaining that the opposition must do it by themselves and a military interference by USA can be very problematic, with an advice of a possible Russian interference too in Venezuelan soil.

Rumors that last months, paramilitary from the Wagner Group are operating in Venezuela, to support the legal proccess of 'democracy'.

Erik Prince promoted a possible coup d'etat promoted by mercenaries in Venezuela, to support the re-democratization proccess, throwing down the government by force implementing new government under the military support.

According to media, the plan is to promote a Private Army formed by spanish speakers, former special forces from Colombia, Chile, Peru and start the operation from Colombia, a country supporter of USA, and start the operation by infiltration and spionage, before the briefing of a military direct operation.

Characherized by large scaled conflicts and long range, the possibility of it is hard, because the effective of Venezuela is too big, not counting on militias and mercenaries. A direct clash between mercenaries of PMC and the Venezuelan Army can be desastrous.

The possibility of operation can be small local conflicts, gaining territory and geo-strategic position and promoting support to the new government.

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