Takfiri Terrorism
The term Takfiri terrorism is for Islamists that consider other Islamists traitors, accusing them of apostasy.
The denial of the basic tenets of Islam is counted and this is used to groups of Ahamiyya, Daesh, to consider the sectarian groups, like the fighting current of the Sunis against Kurds and Shia, Shia that promotes political adverse against other groups, against teh Salafis, Wahabis, and nowadays is very seem in the case of Daesh terroristic actions and assaults against the muslim population, specialy in Syria.
With the growing number of the Wahhabist and Salafist groups, some scholars classifies them for spliting the orthodox method established takfir through the process of Sharia, and regret them to the right to declare any Muslim of apostate as well non-Muslim.
In general the consideration of the term, to many groups is a continuum politic of American-Zionist politic to promote a clash in Islam, dividing the groups and sub-groups and raise ethnic conflict and religious war between them, dividing the nations and weakening the government in promote the Islam Unity.
The claim of Daesh is to promote the crisis in Europe, promoted by Obama's government and support to ISIS's actions, and nowadays the Europe divide with globalist-philantropists promoting the migration and multiculturalism in Europe to raise a Islamic program, divided Europe and made the ultra-right wing promte actions of nationalism and xenophobia, dividing more the countries.
In Iraq the vaccuum of power that USA left in country, after the take down of Sadam Hussein, raised the extremist group with a State configuration, that could raise into a nation, capable to have it's own economy and army, for international actions and direct clash between nation's armies. The program of USA with Obama administration was to put down the European nations and spawn a vaccuum proccess in Middle East that they could operate in. The clash of many Europeans nations economies made USA capable to usa the scenario for their own interest.
That's why Iraq has a better strategical position than Syria of Daesh. Syria became the most complex scenario in Middle East with the first time Russia's presence into a war in Middle East agaisnt the USA. The proxy that USA and Russia explores through the terrain of Syria goes more and more comples as the actors are dividing their actions like Turkey and Iran promoting geopolitical presence through country.
Also the mercenary operations counts on Sadat force of Turkey, NATO forces. Turan as a psywar of ChVK Wagner's and the Wagner group operating in full capacity. The Malhama Tactical with the promotion of jihadist training and the rebel forces anti and pro-government, can weakens Daesh in territory.
Daesh changed the operative methoods for the a criminal group in country and with a kind of school for Lone Wolves and private actions, claiming their presence through attack, like Sri Lanka's attack in Easter, promoted by other group claimed to be alied.
With this level of actions, the Daesh is being observed through international analysts. New generation of combatants can raise in Iraq around the Syria terrorists aren't take down. The return of Iraqian combatants to Syria and foreigners raise security questions if Iraq has the capacity of clash with this armed group and worries about human's rights and humanitary protection NGOs.
Since 2014 the country has being targeted by many terrorist groups and many regions occupied by Jihadists of Daesh. Since 2017 the country celebrates a restore of the control of the Syria-Iraq borders in country.
![Resultado de imagem para daesh](https://cdn.cmjornal.pt/images/2016-12/img_818x455$2016_12_25_18_10_46_585009.jpg)
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