The warfare that includes, into the military strategy, political wafare and blends of conventional warfare, irregular warfare, the tactics of RAM and technological warfare, including the capacity of Total War, devastation, insurrection, civil unrest, non linear agents, psycholocal warfare, media, fake news spread, terrorism, guerrilla and non direct combat like diplomacy, legal appliance and ideological clash. The Hybrid Warfare can be used to describe a flexible and complex dynamics of the battlespace requiring an adaptable and resiliente response with the asymetric scenarios, including academic literature that promotes theoretics of the combat. Since Sun Tzu and Clausewitzian warfare, the irregular size of the forces can be described with hybrid conflics, as the technics of infiltration, assassination, destruction of the enemy and use of unequal capability of weapons were always used. The Punic Wars there was an irregular use of the force while Rome and Cartage were both in unequa...