S-400 is just a pretext to the tensions between USA and Turkey

The political question beyond the chose of S-400 and the exchange of F-35 project together NATO is the Straight of Bosphorus geo-strategical point of interest of USA and Israel at the geopolitical of relations between West and Middle East and USA supowerpower influence at the region.

The region is a Russian hegemonic place and the strategy to compose the F-35 at Turkey is a influential presence of USA and NATO in the Eurasia.

But Turkey has aligned with East and have a participation active in Syrian War and the hegemonic position at Eurasia. Remembering the Alain Touraine about the Bosphorus strategical point for USA, the political praesentia was supposed not so little late... but before the War on Terror.

The S-400 is just a pretext to USA hijack and betray the NATO policy against Turkey, promoting a constant state of disruptive politics to promote a siege at Turkey, for the Eurasian geo-strategic position of USA.

The S-400 is the excuse to intensify the tension between both countries because many of many reasons, USA don't want the Turkey military influential and strong. Trump had before the politics of Economic Warfare, overtaxing the iron fron Turkey. That politc intensified the tensions between both countries, that is comming to a boiling point.

The USA wanna the playground of Russia weakens, as Iran, Syria and Turkey, accusing them of being Muslim countries those hide terrorists. Just excuse as always.

To the West, it's important to guarantee the security of Israel, controling the energetic and environmental resources from the Middle East. Ergin Saygun, ex-Major State of Turkey, claimed that the S-400 is a small part of the problems, the biggest question is the control of Eurasia and the Israeli politics.

More than a decade the North Americans had discussed the kick off of Turkey of the F-35 program. They never had this interest on Turkey to become a military superpower, that could unbalance the forces of Middle East and Israel will lose the Aereal Supremacy. 

To understand more about the U.S.A. and Turkey's conflicts, contact us at cegtebr@gmail.com and request information. Courses about International Security and Diplomacy.


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