The fall of John Warmonger Bolton and the isolation of Brazil on the scenarios
John Bolton really fired. What now happens is that the radical principles of the Trump Government will be far from the political decisions, even in the nowadays conflicts, including Venezuela and Syria.
Best known for the warmonger principles, Bolton since he was involved in PNAC defended the position of a supremacy of USA and military offensives through Iran and Iraq, and recently, through Venezuela, Syria, Iemen, Iran and North Korea, being out of the meeting between Trump and Kim in June of 2019.
Recently he - also - defended the position of invasion of Venezuela, instigating the point to a core of the conflit, treatening the country all the time and advocating the USA to invade the country and take Maduro, passing over diplomatic or even military-convesations, to a boiling point of warfare.
Accorging to Trump, Bolson overpassed the limitations between the military questions involving Venezuela and Muslims, instigating all the time a warfare situation, and forgetting the principles for the international anarchy.
For the divergences, Trump dismissed Bolton from the place of security advisor and trying to put a new face of the government, without the radical wing directly close to Trump and, also, trying to a dialogue between USA and these countryes.
Part of the core point was involving Taliban leaders to a conversation between government and Taliban, but Bolton used a rethoric of radical speech and put, also, Mike Pence in a delicate position.
NEOCON is close to Brazilian borders. Bolsonaro is a very interested person in the relation between USA and Brazil, and Bolton visited Bolsonaro with interest on a installation of a military base of USA in Brazil, promoting military approximation and diplomatic too.
Well, with this fall of Neocon Bolton, Brazil loses a right arm for the conversation between radical principles. Brazil had interest on invasion of Venezuela and Bolton was interested on doing that, promoting a possible point of Brazil shows the military capability, put an allied in the government and became the superpower in South America. Now, without Bolton, and with this possible relaxation in Trump's speech, Bolsonaro will have to rethink about his radical wing and radical speeches, because the new paradigm in Trump's government cannot be so harsh through the opposition.
The interest in Brazil in Bolton was sealed when Bolton visited Brazil and the sons of the Brazilian president visited Bolton in USA also, claiming for support in a possible military intervention in Venezuela. Parts was divided in this case, and the speech of the invasion changed twice by Bolsonaro's son.
About the North Korea, Bolton didn't meet Kim Jong-un, and diverged Trump's position. For Bolton was interested to compare with Gaddafi and tried to instigate a military conflict, the traditionalist conservative position couldn't still work at the nowadays paradigm, even after the Russia got implemented new military technologies, equilibrating the ballance of power between East and West.
The position in heretodoxical government of Trump diverged of the unilateral speech of Bolton, when Trump tried a speech between the nations, figures like Bolton instigated the position of PNAC, and followed by amatheur leaders as Bolsonaro, searching for unilateral allied and getting isolated in international scenario.
After Bolton, Brazil loses its interlocutor, even after Brazil clearly had lost before the credibility in this power, after the radical positions of Brazil in UN and about to criticize international leaders, was lost the position in the military questions involving Venezuela. For the dismissing of Bolton, South America - Brazil - is out of the scope of USA in the migration questions and the situation in Venezuela.
Analysing the situation of Venezuela, was confirmed that Maduro survives in the chaotic situations and made Trump rethink of the USA position, taking Venezuela out of the international North American politics, so the rethoric of the invasion justified in Venezuela used by Bolsonaro is changed for a position of a Diplomatic conversation, that is not the strong point of the government.
USA - also - will be entering in ellection year and the new right is not pleasing all sides, promoting and justifying a polarized country.
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