Upheaval for the dividing fundamentalism
The division of society is claimed to be the Vendetta.
One side do a crime and the rest of the people claiming for revenge and use the excuse for segregation and crime commiting for free, based on freedom of expression excuse.
The civil upheaval explored the maximum of soceity marginality, outgoing inner frustrations, self hate and will to power, all contaminated with the failling capitalistic and democratic system.
Minneapolis was this clash of civilization based on inner USA conflicts that wasn't solved for the centuries.
![George Floyd, nova vítima da injustiça racial nos Estados Unidos](https://s.rfi.fr/media/display/8c271b22-a0be-11ea-a899-005056a98db9/w:1240/p:16x9/000_1SC5FC.webp)
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