Operation Gideon - The failed Neocon operation to siege Venezuela

Neocon kept the eyes on Venezuela behind the curtains of the Coronavirus' crisis while the Warmonger left the government, the theoretics of the PNAC and the para-military working for Trump administration was still active during and the use of Covid-19 problem, world wide, could be the momentum for action. As it was said here before, the Coronavirus was an excuse to attack Venezuela and take Maduro from the power in a possible infiltration and covert operations.

First analysis is that they waited the crisis cause a situation uncapable to Russia intervent at any military activity of USA. The recent maneuver of Russia in NATO and the crisis of Coronavirus, took the focus of Russia from South America to the economic war in Europe and the Syrian borders, that action made USA have a free passage to South America and together Colombia, promote a coup d'etat in Venezuela, operating through shadows to infiltrate and promote the assassination of president Maduro.

The named Operation Gideon, named for the Judge and the libertor of Israeli people from the pagans of Baal, the La Guaira naval attack on 3 to 4 May 2020, was an attempt by armed Venezuelan dissident groups that support the Guaidó regime in Venezuela together a private US-based paramilitary force in Colombia, infiltrating the coast of La Guaira. The plans was to overthrow the actual government.

The non Linear plan promoted by Silvercorp Corporation consisted in training the 300 ex-military dissidents in Colombia and going from base to base in Venezuela, attacking, convincing the military to a joint operation and growing the private army of mercanaries till Caracas in a Siege to capture Maduro.


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