Internet warfare policy

Hybrid politic scenario works by shadow and in a virtual operative ambient that measures the popularity of the politicians involved in the political clash.

The democratic position of the governments exchanged the legal methods of popular participation by the 'like war' in the social medias, that can measure the level of acceptance or denial of some action, legal proccess and determined politic.

This complex proccess is a new paradigm in political actions. The democratic proccess is done by the publicity of the actions in social networking and the level of acceptance of governments and their respective policy.

Results of the recently politics is that the government loses the credibility at the moment of the personal lives and the idolatry level and acceptance of determined politic, instead of the government policies, is the focus of the social media government.

Social media became a weapon of politics, promoted by outsourced companies and public agents inside the political houses. This promotion has a capability of a psyops established policy on self promotion, use of robots to promote high level 'likes', fake profiles and fake news spred, that can count on the decision of any politician involved in the legal proccess.

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