
Mostrando postagens de maio, 2020

Guderian was precise to analyse the Civil Upheaval nowadays

People forget that the warfare was always asymmetric and the psychological factor was a decisive point to the core of the battle. Guderian was a master at the hybrid warfare methods and to operate PsyOps. Analysing the Minneapolis questions: The people use the excuse of the assassination to commit crimes. The alt-right operates via psychossocial factor of the polarization and the criminalization of the private.  Neocon government is based in conspiracy theories. That unstable scenario urges the civil riots.Trump for sure failed at his first moment, this was an excuse to raise fake enemies and false flag operations world wide, than justify his flop.  The scenario of civil upheaval today is a part of the hybrid warfare core of diverse fronts clashing each other.

To believe in conspiracy theory is an alt-right policy praxis

The betray of the alt-right policy is that they justify their personal frustrations and outsource their hate to others. They claimed racism and segregation as a form of living, claiming spiritual salvation, while they break the traditionalism harsh, with wicked vulgarity and unjustified racism. The point here is not that. The point here is about, alt-Right politics use conspiratorial problematics to promote their politics. They govern not by facts but by fictions. They governs by theoretics of what is beyond of the reality, they don't have governmental programs for a quick anser for the problems, they search invisible enemies, search eternal enemies in history to justify furious actions against oppositions, promote segregation, fake news, persecution and use victimization to justify some actions. We see the new Right of Tomislav Sunic or Oswald Spengler ideologies, but we claim the Stephen Bannon right, frustrated by geek imagery and extremist imagery, out of traditional civilizati...

Swallow your fears

Those who create fears shall swallow it.  The fears disapear! Take the barbell and lift it harder, lift it with posture. Neural activities will be stymulated and the body will find a way of evolution. Fear and deception are agents for the believers. But we... we break the rules all the time with the our constant evolution and credo!!!

Set fires to Minneapolis for racial crime

The dividing society of USA is being rioted by manifests against racism. The most evoluted democracy is being claimed to be a primitive tribal mood of coexistance between ethnical hate, when someone is supported by the governments. Trump standing for the alt-right movement, don't even talk about the Minneapolis situation, he is more worried about his social networking and the information control of media vehicle in internet.  Andrew Lobaczewski talked about the narcisism of the policy. Narcisicm takes to a paranoia. Paranoia takes to actions not conducted with reason, but with passion. Neoconservative politics are more worried about his own imagery that the image of the country in International Relations, narcisism brings paranoia and reveals the sosiopathy.  Trump take measures of a leftist government for keep the power in his control, betraying the ballance of power. The Upheaval in Minneapolis for Trump is easier to solve, he claimed to shoot the rioters, instead on give a ...

Trump regulation of Fake News

Well, Trump spread fake news and when questioned he executes a law to limitate the inquiry of the messages. Was it a normal action? Yes, if the government is based in networking acceptance level, robots contract for spread faster news and not serious policy agenda. Alt Right agenda is promoting virtual persecution and use the unlimited virtual universe to spread propaganda and offensives to opposition, and victimization of the circumstances. Fake News is a psyops program of Trump's government. Control of information is his new rule. This is a promotion of the socialist agenda, control of media, control of population by intensified police state and promotion of social division.

The death looking through their eyes

One of the most active gangs world wide is Mara Salvatrucha, the MS13, is still considered the bigger one and the most dangerous gangs. The hierarchical pyramid and the modus operandi makes it a complex state of paralel goverment and with a personal army and economy. Still makes El Salvador the most dangerous country for the death squads and gangs clash nowadays. "When death comes, pray loud in your heart. Never deny her more than three times. La Muerte will give you a chance to regret or to revenge." - Szandor Southgate.

Free yourself of dogmas...

Feminism? No. A beautiful woman is a free woman! Do it how you do! Do it as you wanna Do!

Upheaval in Minneapolis sets fire for George Floyd's Death

Set fire and rise the flag of the racism, the problem of the USA society is the divided States, not United as they claim. The cowardice of a murdering simply for pleasure returns the subject of racism and the black people in USA, on how is the limit to be pushed to limit a criminal activity. Was it necessary, to suffocate to death a man claiming for breath, in front of everyone during the daylight... For sure the necessary will bring the necessity of answer. The answer comes with the blood dripped. The decadence of society for racial questions are still latent in USA...

Quality over your doings - push yourself harder to your will

When something must be done, it must be done right! Put yourself in spirit through your beliefs and your actions. Do everything with quality. Struggle for your will and your doom will be amazed.

Communist is a failure proccess

The reality of communism is not a new reality. Since the Anarchism clashed with the communist ideas, the reality of the root of the left wing communist is to destroy the ideologies of family, brood, manhood, masculinity and society's evolution. The social Darwinism claimed to the the evolutionary proccess for a complex society. But since the Anarchists demanded their clash against the acceleration proccess of industrialism and the complexity of society, into a natural proccess, the communist accelerated the wicked... 

Failure in society

When society demanded for the right wing instead the lefts decade of destruction and corruptin, they didn't count on a corruptive parallel system of intelligence, fake propaganda and reputation assination of important figures, even alies. This product of the fake news is spreading around the constant feed into a society blinded by a fake idea of salvation, where the right wing is a central power of the ex-left paradigms. The propaganda of the alt-right is a gun control, nationalism, radical christianity and polarization by criminalizing ideas and victimization. The constant attrition of the alt-right against media, society and opposition finished it soon. We must check the old rights, traditionalism theoretics answers to fix the destruction of this ruin.

Propaganda of the Deed - Saul Alinsky

Infiltration and downfall are criminalized actions to promote distupture of the system. When the propaganda is promoted intented to destroy the establishment, the radicalism is turning into policy the whole society's system as a revolutionary society. See exemples of France and African Nations and nowadays in Chile. Some South American revolutionaries are from right or left and the new movements of Satanic Far Right, Skinheads, and far righ wing supremacists, the propaganda of violent actions turning into a polarization of radical ideologies into societies' cores, different tribal methods living and equals promoting real interest in their own intents. Being from left or right, the marginalization of the breed is the point to oppose the society's control establishment, one must be into politics, spread ideas, promote criminal activities and than the group can be accepted. Considered a satanic agent for years, the USA democrates claim him as an important figure, but more for ...

These wicked days

If you don't go crazy, you go with the majority. You go with the vulgar and the mediocrity. People must leave their conditions and push harder through fear, skepticism and questioning, go against.  Madness is not being different, it is being real. The common sense accepts the policy and laws and be eternal slaves. Don't be a sheep, be a wolf!

Struggle hard, straight to success

If you struggle hard, starve for the conquest, you will sure have your goals achieved.  Don't mind about oppinions of whose destroy the destiny with their sickened mind and bodies. Go ahead to the success.

Tomislav Sunic quotes

The crisis of modern societies has resulted in an incessant ‘uglification’ whose main vectors are liberalism, Marxism and the ‘American way of life’. Tomislav Sunic

Think stragegically

What are the plans for the bankrupt after the covid-19? Many companies are faded to the bankrupt and also, the governments and economies will suffer after the biological crisis finish. The wave of financial chaos and violence will spread. Think how to promote self security and what will be the next economic agents world wide, in a world to be rebuilt. Think strategically, than will for sure have an advantage on the whole situation. We are promoting consultancy in business and advices for small customers to promote competitive advantace and strategy of marketing. Contact us at and follow us at twitter at @guerra_ce.

Nature's temples are eternal

This is a pagan temple. Not a building. Not degenerated by the time. Not composed by idols. Pagan temple is the nature, nor the ornaments people give to Gods. Pagan temples are eternal.

The Islam's equity to world's global religions

Islam is showing the need of diplomacy. Islam are seem as enemies of sectary nations and world's anarchy, but in order, they are promoting self respect and preparing for their fundaments, as christians once did. When your faith becomes the ideal, and the temples your headquarters.  There the idolatry and politics raise the level to a religious question. Disrupture at the secular model of warfare and diplomacy, the world's peace shall be respectful to all faiths, not only the ones to believe in any prophet.

Internet warfare policy

Hybrid politic scenario works by shadow and in a virtual operative ambient that measures the popularity of the politicians involved in the political clash. The democratic position of the governments exchanged the legal methods of popular participation by the 'like war' in the social medias, that can measure the level of acceptance or denial of some action, legal proccess and determined politic. This complex proccess is a new paradigm in political actions. The democratic proccess is done by the publicity of the actions in social networking and the level of acceptance of governments and their respective policy. Results of the recently politics is that the government loses the credibility at the moment of the personal lives and the idolatry level and acceptance of determined politic, instead of the government policies, is the focus of the social media government. Social media became a weapon of politics, promoted by outsourced companies and public agents inside the political hou...

The western degeneration proccess

I think the problem of living in occident is to live under a christian aegis and this degenerated western moral. When we see socio-political participation in countries as Syria, Nigeria or Rwanda, the society's claims for their needs are conquered by blood. Live under this christian moral, makes the society eternaly slaves and limited to politicians laws. The reality is that the dome of democracy is a proccess of enslavement and degeneration of the tradition, implementing conformism and immorality.

Get always focused!

Get focused always! Mind your objective and go for it! Never surrender at sheeps direction or opinion. But go determinated to your objectives, and don't look back. Don't be like the others, be best! Do best! Wish the best!

Stablishment's freedom vs Society's freedom

The reality is that the establishment only promotes freedoms that are not a threat to State. Otherwise, some freedoms society demands are crimes.

Urban Assault Weapons - Submachinegun MP5

Heckler & Koch MP5 (Deutsche for Maschinenpistole 5, which means Sub-Machinegun 5) is a weapon pistil-machinegun caliber 9mm of a Deutsche project, developed in 1960's to a engeneering team of small weapons projects factored by the Heckler & Koch GmbH company (H&K) from Oberndorf am Neckar. There are more than 100 variety of MP5, including the semi-auto version. MP5 shoots in three forms of regime. The automatic, shooting blast of fire, the semi-automatic, one shoot each time that the trigger is pressed, and bursts, with small blasts of two or three shoots each time the trigger is pressed. These modules make the MP5 a versatile weapon to every kind of situation. The weight of the machinegun is of a light weapon. The stopping power is 90%. In 1980, the weapon conquered the iconic as a result of its appearance in a live TV show, used by the SAS Command, in Operation Nimrod, when they invaded the Iranian embasy in London, for the rescue or hostages and killing five ...

Operation Gideon - The failed Neocon operation to siege Venezuela

Neocon kept the eyes on Venezuela behind the curtains of the Coronavirus' crisis while the Warmonger left the government, the theoretics of the PNAC and the para-military working for Trump administration was still active during and the use of Covid-19 problem, world wide, could be the momentum for action. As it was said here before, the Coronavirus was an excuse to attack Venezuela and take Maduro from the power in a possible infiltration and covert operations. First analysis is that they waited the crisis cause a situation uncapable to Russia intervent at any military activity of USA. The recent maneuver of Russia in NATO and the crisis of Coronavirus, took the focus of Russia from South America to the economic war in Europe and the Syrian borders, that action made USA have a free passage to South America and together Colombia, promote a coup d'etat in Venezuela, operating through shadows to infiltrate and promote the assassination of president Maduro. The named Opera...

Struggling hard and find your inner self

There is no excuse for being weak as there is no to get strong. Struggling hard is a part of everyones' lives to get ready for a bigger situation.  When not ready, society can smash for there is no aesthetics nor mental capability of impose the ideals. Practice, repeat, use mnemonics on movements, shoot, reading a good book, prepare the mind for the modernity that keeps claiming that the wicked as a law. Unleash your natural form, evoke nature arond, know that nature and mind are a part of the self!