
Mostrando postagens de 2020

Be badass like Slavs!

Keep on training! Keep your mind clean but don't forget to exercise! Keep your body working and push it through your limits! Don't feel tired from exercising your mind and body! Take a rest, but be stronger than excuses... Why Slavs? They keep training, their focus in oriental wisdom and martial training, traditionalism, make them focused in their objectives, evolute their spiritual beliefs and be harder to take down. It's just watched in MMA or Weight lifting championships. They are harsh... Their strength training is very solid, promoted by whole body capability, not isolated like in the west, absorbing training from Slavonic tribes from Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine - both badass people as are Slavs in general - elevating their capability to absorb impact, promote explosive training, meditate and focus.  That's why USA athletes and other modalities, as Crossfit, use a lot of traditional training and Russian influential methods of strengthening. Keep on and use motivat...

Viral warfare and globalism

The industrial rock band Killing Joke in 2015 adviced about how the government would operate during a viral chaos. The result was the conspiratorial chaotic song I am the Virus.   Death misery and tears Calculated waves of fear Drawn up by think tanks Theres a darkness in the west Oil swilling Guzzling corporates Central banking Mind-fucking omnipotence I am the fury The spirit of outrage I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus I am the furnace Where resentment glows I am the bias I am the virus I am the virus False flags and Black Ops Tavistock manufactured shocks Something's gone horribly wrong Hot flushes for the Neo-con A population In deep denial Contagion released From a Phial I am the fury The spirit of outrage I am the fire I am the virus I am the virus I am the furnace Where resentment glows I am the bias I am the virus I am the virus I am the Hydra-headed beast I am the worm you can never delete I am the dangers that never sleeps I am the virus I am the virus I am the...

Over the possibilities of Beirut explosion

Several sources and maisntream media are conducting the investigations about a warehouse fireworks accident. The blasting could be caused by human factors or a combination with weather and risk factors.  International observers and polemologists promoted the idea of Hezbollah weapons depot to the local under the fireworks factory, or maybe other groups of action and local terrorists, maybe local mercenaries or outsourced terrorism. Western observers are analysing that Lebanese government are selling media the idea of fireworks because the local Jihadists could claim that Israel is behind the explosion and justify constant retaliation through Tel-Aviv. Since that one day before, Israel attacked the borders of Syria, close to Lebanon, the govenment would control the emotions and the proxies between Israel and Jihadist groups. That emotional conflict can make some groups, even Israel and Trump claim a supposed preventive 'attack', to gain popularity in the year of ellection. The c...

Explosion in Beirut - Lebanon

About the explosion in the region of Beirut Port, the proxy warfare between Russia, Syria and Lebanon close to the borders of Syria and Israel. Yesterday there was an answer to a possible attack about Syria by Israel. This mediatic mention of fireworks factory explosion seems a hoax, as the Russian capability of factory of thermobaric bombs and the strategic position of Russia to project to North of Africa, Libya. A possibility of any war factory explosion or a possible preventive attack of Israel in the port could made this happen. Soon we will have more information!

Wagner Group operating in Libya

Wagner's Company is very prominent in this proxy, creating competitive advantage and promoting business mercenary activity, giving logistic and training support to the Libyan troops. The high capability company promotes proximity between Libyan government and Kremlin and support clandestine operations and psywar in the proxies over North Africa, capable to act North through Mediterranean over Europe and down to South over USA influenced countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The strategic position of Wagner's bases are focused in a siege over Mediterranean Sea, over NATO's military presence, and with the surveillance and reactive military support.

Read Julius Evola

On the capability of survive and understand the modern world, search for the great phisolophers who can teach you how to evoke the heroic spirits and conquest your honor and pride at the Kali Yuga. Be the champion. Be able to survive. Conquer! Rise above the ruins! Society is fucked up, and be prepared in mind and spirit will make able to focus over the whole political environment of enslavement and destruction of the self.

If you do it right, as it must be done...

You will be considered a hero. Intead of it, you just serve your life and morals as well, the right way of living, doesn't matter bureaucracy or any other kind of adulation, you just do it because it's right and it must be done. Nothing to be a heroic atitude than be yourself all the time, but the world is so wicked and so flattered that when someone do right thing, he/she is considered heroes, people beyond the excelency and reconzied as a model, while they just did what everyone should do. Heroic atitudes are beyond it, it's while you risk something lovely to a position on do what is also right again, but not of your business sometimes. Heroes are in the root a demigods, someone with capabilities above our natural ones, historically we had some philosophically heroes, and we still have. People around you doing right things for something bigger of what they consider their lives. But everyday, heroic paradigms are not vulgars. Not mediocre as their observers' lives. Par...

Corruption helps organized criminal activities

According to the index of corruption, the countries that has more criminal activities are the same that has a great number of corruption proccesses involving politics. The make up of politics and the media covering the situation, hiding the truth, some countries became the most corrupted and corruptive in the world business diplomacy, as the policy is moved by the money laundry and favours exchange, coutnries are being into a very questionable relation of diplpmacy and international business. From 2017 to now, some countries have got worse at the level, as the new right policy changed the diplomatic paradigm to a more extreme and more ideological point, turning not to internal and international interests, but to the politic figures themselves. After the Covid-19 it changed and soon I will post a new text about how it became a problem to the politics world wide in corruptive countries.

The meaning of terrorism is being distorted

The dicotomy on terrorism is going through personal ideologies. Leftists want to use the police forces and national security as terrorism - imposing their revolutionary and guerrilla groups as democratics. The alt-right wings want to impose that Antifa as terrorists, not an ideological expression and civil unrest. The many aespects of interpretations on terrorism is making the real mean to be forgotten, distorted, and everyone is interpreting terrorism as the convenience of themselves.

The legal proccess for the promotion of political figures

They create the laws. That's their form wchich State have to punish the opposition and control the whole society under one vigency.  Laws are written to bennefit the dome of society - formed by bankers, legislators and politicians - all working by the same corporations and interests. The use of force and legal system is done to punish the society, even in democratic societies, the State Terrorism and coercion of population is common. The conquest by fear, implementation of morals, taxes and indoctrination, create the fidelity of people in a character, that maintains the system - left or right, capitalistic or socialistic. A new moral is to promote iconic figures, following a sectary logic and messianic icons in a political character. The logic of today is not the might is right, nor a tribal nationalism. It's the enslavement by the debts and abdication of liberty in for the adoration of political figures. Messianic bastards and iconolatry.

Be stronger and clean your mind

Get focused at your objectives and be a good exemple to be followed! With your healthy good, with your mind clean, knowledge and physical capability to face your daily life. With mind and body acting together and electricity to enjoy your momentum... Life is harsh and be prepared makes the difference! Train on how you can, improve your place, get your strength. The adrenaline you get is the medicine you need to clean mind. Be a leader and be an exemple to be followed! Be honest, inspire others and have the capability to face your problems straight with your head up! Make yourself a warrior!

What is Slavic Brothergood

A joint military pan-Slavist troop formed by Slavic heritage countries is promoting diplomatic and security regulamentation between the Slavic countries and promoting borders' security over the Eastern Europe. During the years, the Slavic Brotherhood keeps doing tactical military maneuvers in countries by a joint force between Montenegro, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Serbia and others, some of the countries are members of NATO, but they evoke the traditional Warsaw Pact, behind the curtains forming a transnational army between the nations. The use of War against Terrorism was a pretext to make drills between the countries, forming a military belt and making the NATO under constant sigh of these nations, as the NATO is forming USA and the geo-strategig position of NATO puts Slavic countries under the constant surveillance of West. Coalition Slavic Brotherhood was the public political movement aimed to unify the Slavic parties, people-Panslavist and their support people, so that in the f...

Extreme feelings help you to improve your techniques

Never be afraid of feel pain. Use your pain to improve your strenght, be better than everyone around, do things that others cannot do. Go ahead and conquer your dreams! Be strong in mind and body!

Armed Patriots

The illegitimacy of the government and the populist speech of Trump about cross the lines and xenophobic paranoia, instigates the local population to promote local militias, armed to restrict entrance of people through borders. The Armed Patriots are local militias to promote patriotism and take control of traffic of people, migration and legal proccesses. A hybrid scenario of migration and clash of ideologies and races fighting for freedom of market and society's demands, promotes illegal civilian control, use of force and local para-military fighting in pro-government and pro-state - following the constitution - for patriotic behavior. That's an illegal form which States conduces the vaccuum of power in diverse zones anonimously.

Train for the best of yourself

Train to improve your skills. Train to be better. Train to youself not to others... train your body. Train your mind.  Strength is nothing without a clean mind. A clean mind is nothing inside a sicked body. Train to make yourself better.

Black Lives Matter is a product of globalistic leftism

Black Lives Matter spread cultural marxism and hate propaganda against non-Blacks. This include racism, criminal activities against white people and other ethnicities, pillage, home invasion, etc. Recently, Black Lives Matter media promoted support to socialist Maduro's government and showed the admiration for the dictatorship of leftists. Opal Tometi, in picture, promoted the ideological minorities and divide and conquer strategy support, inducing society to divide in minories and clash over historical white men figures over the world, encouraging people all the world to fight for a racial clash and destruction of historical traditions.

Bolsonaro is promoting a coup d'etat - using military power as government armed force, not statal defense

In Brazil, government is tring to pair the military forces to work for governments programs, and release a coup d'etat in benefit of corrupt government to keep the power to it's legal period. Bolsonaro is promoting civil upheaval and promoting chaos government, seducing people - the ones called useful idiots - to promote clash of ideologies and attack the opposition by force. Supported to the corporations elites, the ones who can have guaranteed firepower and money support, the pro-government actions are promoting anger between two parts of the people. In the midle of the outbreak of covid-19, the strategy is to promote faillure in the healthy system, intimidation through violence of oppositions and promotion of chaotic government, hiding corruptive cases of money laundry and job distribution to political condemned.

We are the products of our will

If you desire, you will make it. Putting all your inner strength - somenes call faith, I call it will to power - into your will, the forces around you will make you get it. No spiritual being, it's just electric driving forces moving organic mass - while you align body and mind to get focused, nothing can be impossible at your most powerful desires. Around, people will envy, but this is just gasoline to your physical progress, your natural growing and your mind - some call it spiritual - evolution.

What is a terrorist by William Blum - Quotes

"A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but doesn't have an air force." William Blum

Kemi Seba in about Black Lives Matter Movement

Kemi Seba , the Pan-Africanist Geopolitical Analist about the Black Lives Matter fashion of last weeks.

The extreme bahavior will turn the respect over you...

People don't respect mediocrity or the vulgarity. In general, people don't respect their own medriocrity, so, they reflect to others to jusitfy their lack self of respect. So, being vulgar ajust make us being like them - the majority!  Be a beast at this world of modern behavior. Don't fall with wicked thoughts, about to be the same of the majority, the same of the vulgars...

How terrorism, internet and visual propaganda can be a deadliest combination?

Internet is full of people around searching for their aknowledge. People who are at marginality out of any group or level of acceptance can find their reality in actions that could made them martyrs. The lone wolves terrorists are people around searchig for a reconaissance, for any action that can make history wheels keep on turning and always feed the history with blood and terror, to people start to believe that their capability and words are real.  Gangs are perfect groups of people to spread a linear idea of command and control for ideologies and criminal activities. Groups with intention of action and methods for it, can promote terror and outsource ideologies. Gangs search their media places to their publicity and if the gangs are violent, as criminal activities, drug traffickers, or any other of these kind of activities, they are a great mean to terroristic ends. In general revolting youth are searching for extremist actions, be in politics, vandalism, gangs, groups to searc...

People talk too much

People like to take advantage on their goals, but nobody seem them doing. Corruptive actions sometimes are used to cheaters. Don't cheat your life. Do your best, stay quiet and show world your goals. If people don't belive, don't feel sad for them, your spirit will be fed by the success only you and your beloved know. Who more cares? Act, don't talk. Act for yourself, not for the lautish around... Live in lies? No, this life is for the modernity...

Civilian security of structures

The use of civilians for security services keeps growing while riots world wide keep growing. World wide is suffering a upheaval for racial questiond, during the pandemic chaos and the rupture of the paradigm of security is being explored by security civilians and private security forces.  A clash between values of the rioters and the values of those who are not involved is beyond the philosphical point. There is a point of obligation on everybody to support the manifestos, and while it doesn't happen, the abjuration of everyone is racist till them prove they are not is used. Many stores are being plundered and many neighborhoods are being looted by rioters. At this point the civilians armed and - privately - decided to protect the local place of their living, some also sell their security service. This mercenary action counts on the faillig public security service that cannot solve the problem. While State keeps focused on the main point of the manifestation, the locals are search...

Black Blocs - The anarchist tactic

Black bloc is a tactical action of direct clash of the anarchic ideology that promotes riots and upheaval, utilizing propaganda defying the establishment and order. This is a tactic that urged in the 1980s in Deutchland by autonomous anarchists to defend the squats against the police and far right attacks. Lately the activities gained attention in media out of Europe. The tactic was used to destroy big corporations stores as Mcdonald's, Starbuks and others that promoted Pan-Americanism and American Cultural revolution. The modus operandi is to promote direct attack to private corporations that are partners to toe government and destroy the structure of the place of the riot, promoting a modification of operational scenario's geography. The use of masks and black clothes is the main point to the tactic, to keep in secret the identity and protect the rioters phisically. All together act unified as a big block. The media difused the action as an organization, but the Black Bloc is...

Diogenes - The hellmouth of Alexander, the Great

The text is not mine, I put the link below. I liked this adaptation of the history of the Diogenes and put here. Hope you enjoy. Alexander the great had heard of Diogenes and wished to meet him. But Diogenes was a hard man to find. One fine sunny day Alexander was roaming on the beach and everyone on the beach stood with respect, except an old man. Alex: What fellow are you, who dares to lie at ease in my presence, when all others, as you see, rise to pay me homage? Don't you know me? Diog: I cannot say I do: but by the number of your attendants, by the splendour of your habit; but, above all, by the vanity of your appearance, and the arrogance of your speech, I conceive you must be Alexander the son of Philip. Alex: And who can more justly challenge my respect? Odd fellow, I have a curiosity to know your name. Diog: I...

Only the weak ones will judge you

In general people who are greater will teach you, will follow you, will sum to the pack. When people are wicked by envy, they will judge you, criticize you for your personal goals and wishes. They will tell you that you cannot have or it is madness. Their degenerated mind are rulled by their own mediocrity.

The Vendetta denounced the alt-right for Pedophily

Hacker group Anonymous appeared again denouncing the government of Brazil involved in a public murdering and blaming the Bolsonaro and Trump with connections with a net of pedophily commanded by John Casablancas. The logic of that came after many denounces of racial upheaval in USA, the Trump running and promoting military action against society, while in Brazil the government fomented civil upheaval and used speeches of hate against population.  Cyberwarfare operation is running in course of leaking information, publicate data and cracking system, operating in virtual scenario where cannot be found. The hacker group modus operandi is as always, turning public vital informations by public figures.

Sectary logic of politic failed - Chaotic world's logic

Both failed. Alt Right is a symbol of the bankrupt.  While the new right construct a solid base of traditionalism, following the model of eastern pillars of culture, translated well by Dugin, the bases of Parvulesco, Mircea Eliade, the tragedy of Emil Cioran, Oswald Spengler, Evola and Heidegger. The base of the military capability and the evokation of culture is a pillar of society for the Islamist traditionalists, Eurasians and Slavs. Western capitalism failed. The base of the chaotic promotion is the reconigtion of the chaos as the core point of the whole relations of world. The international anarchy is promoted by multipolarity, the arms races and diplomacy. The regret to the PNAC by Neocon in the western promoting racial clash and christian supremacy, regreted the history and promoted economic bankrupt. The new order of the world is promoted by a chaotic order, where there is no hegemony reconized yet, but diverse power capabilities like Chinese economy, Russian military, EU c...

The worst of your enemies

Only you can be responsible for your success. If you don't stand for your goals, you will fail! Fight your negative-self everyday and kick off people who will pull you with their negativity! Be motivated! Be stronger in mind and body!

Right to defend

Government uses laws to ban guns because a civilization with guns is a threat to their needs. Liberals or conservative have political agenda that can go clash to society's needs. When there is no food or money, people use instinct to survive, and the economy failling is conductive to civil upheaval. Constantly government changes the legislations of crimes, when it can threat the public agents. Gun control is a constant changing agenda of government.

Dumbells for strength training

Have you tried to use dumbells for help on powerlifting and weightliting? Dumbells is a very great tool to substitute barbells and in home isolation during the Covid-19 biochaotic apocalypse, the tool can be used for weightlifting funtionals with few space around and full body workout, alternating with bodybuilding concentration training. Use less weitght for concentration and stress the muscle. Use more weight for explosive strength. Alternate day by day to neural work and adaptation of strength and skills.

Upheaval for the dividing fundamentalism

The division of society is claimed to be the Vendetta. One side do a crime and the rest of the people claiming for revenge and use the excuse for segregation and crime commiting for free, based on freedom of expression excuse. The civil upheaval explored the maximum of soceity marginality, outgoing inner frustrations, self hate and will to power, all contaminated with the failling capitalistic and democratic system. Minneapolis was this clash of civilization based on inner USA conflicts that wasn't solved for the centuries.

Ukraine - and the global alt-right

Alt right usurpates the modus operandi of Cultural Marxism and destroyed the tradition, western tradition and the eastern cultural/spiritual ellevation. There is no real point on what it began, but to promote christian to an Evolian tradition, search in the far right ideologies of paganism a justificative to christian neoliberal capitalism. Ukraine was in the core of the cultural warfare of the far right. The cradle of Slavonic culture, one of the most important countries in culture and political advance, the country was sold to zionism and to western capitalism, and the far right nationalist - pagan - movement was adapted to the western wicked revoltings in Brazil and USA, absorbed by Trump and Bolsonaro movements, blaming a movement as a neo-nazi christian liberal capitalist movement. It's a sad point to this, because the western civil upheaval is promoting this clash of culture and usurping a movement of freedom to their people, that is a strong point to the affirmative culture ...

Guderian was precise to analyse the Civil Upheaval nowadays

People forget that the warfare was always asymmetric and the psychological factor was a decisive point to the core of the battle. Guderian was a master at the hybrid warfare methods and to operate PsyOps. Analysing the Minneapolis questions: The people use the excuse of the assassination to commit crimes. The alt-right operates via psychossocial factor of the polarization and the criminalization of the private.  Neocon government is based in conspiracy theories. That unstable scenario urges the civil riots.Trump for sure failed at his first moment, this was an excuse to raise fake enemies and false flag operations world wide, than justify his flop.  The scenario of civil upheaval today is a part of the hybrid warfare core of diverse fronts clashing each other.

To believe in conspiracy theory is an alt-right policy praxis

The betray of the alt-right policy is that they justify their personal frustrations and outsource their hate to others. They claimed racism and segregation as a form of living, claiming spiritual salvation, while they break the traditionalism harsh, with wicked vulgarity and unjustified racism. The point here is not that. The point here is about, alt-Right politics use conspiratorial problematics to promote their politics. They govern not by facts but by fictions. They governs by theoretics of what is beyond of the reality, they don't have governmental programs for a quick anser for the problems, they search invisible enemies, search eternal enemies in history to justify furious actions against oppositions, promote segregation, fake news, persecution and use victimization to justify some actions. We see the new Right of Tomislav Sunic or Oswald Spengler ideologies, but we claim the Stephen Bannon right, frustrated by geek imagery and extremist imagery, out of traditional civilizati...

Swallow your fears

Those who create fears shall swallow it.  The fears disapear! Take the barbell and lift it harder, lift it with posture. Neural activities will be stymulated and the body will find a way of evolution. Fear and deception are agents for the believers. But we... we break the rules all the time with the our constant evolution and credo!!!

Set fires to Minneapolis for racial crime

The dividing society of USA is being rioted by manifests against racism. The most evoluted democracy is being claimed to be a primitive tribal mood of coexistance between ethnical hate, when someone is supported by the governments. Trump standing for the alt-right movement, don't even talk about the Minneapolis situation, he is more worried about his social networking and the information control of media vehicle in internet.  Andrew Lobaczewski talked about the narcisism of the policy. Narcisicm takes to a paranoia. Paranoia takes to actions not conducted with reason, but with passion. Neoconservative politics are more worried about his own imagery that the image of the country in International Relations, narcisism brings paranoia and reveals the sosiopathy.  Trump take measures of a leftist government for keep the power in his control, betraying the ballance of power. The Upheaval in Minneapolis for Trump is easier to solve, he claimed to shoot the rioters, instead on give a ...

Trump regulation of Fake News

Well, Trump spread fake news and when questioned he executes a law to limitate the inquiry of the messages. Was it a normal action? Yes, if the government is based in networking acceptance level, robots contract for spread faster news and not serious policy agenda. Alt Right agenda is promoting virtual persecution and use the unlimited virtual universe to spread propaganda and offensives to opposition, and victimization of the circumstances. Fake News is a psyops program of Trump's government. Control of information is his new rule. This is a promotion of the socialist agenda, control of media, control of population by intensified police state and promotion of social division.

The death looking through their eyes

One of the most active gangs world wide is Mara Salvatrucha, the MS13, is still considered the bigger one and the most dangerous gangs. The hierarchical pyramid and the modus operandi makes it a complex state of paralel goverment and with a personal army and economy. Still makes El Salvador the most dangerous country for the death squads and gangs clash nowadays. "When death comes, pray loud in your heart. Never deny her more than three times. La Muerte will give you a chance to regret or to revenge." - Szandor Southgate.

Free yourself of dogmas...

Feminism? No. A beautiful woman is a free woman! Do it how you do! Do it as you wanna Do!

Upheaval in Minneapolis sets fire for George Floyd's Death

Set fire and rise the flag of the racism, the problem of the USA society is the divided States, not United as they claim. The cowardice of a murdering simply for pleasure returns the subject of racism and the black people in USA, on how is the limit to be pushed to limit a criminal activity. Was it necessary, to suffocate to death a man claiming for breath, in front of everyone during the daylight... For sure the necessary will bring the necessity of answer. The answer comes with the blood dripped. The decadence of society for racial questions are still latent in USA...

Quality over your doings - push yourself harder to your will

When something must be done, it must be done right! Put yourself in spirit through your beliefs and your actions. Do everything with quality. Struggle for your will and your doom will be amazed.

Communist is a failure proccess

The reality of communism is not a new reality. Since the Anarchism clashed with the communist ideas, the reality of the root of the left wing communist is to destroy the ideologies of family, brood, manhood, masculinity and society's evolution. The social Darwinism claimed to the the evolutionary proccess for a complex society. But since the Anarchists demanded their clash against the acceleration proccess of industrialism and the complexity of society, into a natural proccess, the communist accelerated the wicked... 

Failure in society

When society demanded for the right wing instead the lefts decade of destruction and corruptin, they didn't count on a corruptive parallel system of intelligence, fake propaganda and reputation assination of important figures, even alies. This product of the fake news is spreading around the constant feed into a society blinded by a fake idea of salvation, where the right wing is a central power of the ex-left paradigms. The propaganda of the alt-right is a gun control, nationalism, radical christianity and polarization by criminalizing ideas and victimization. The constant attrition of the alt-right against media, society and opposition finished it soon. We must check the old rights, traditionalism theoretics answers to fix the destruction of this ruin.

Propaganda of the Deed - Saul Alinsky

Infiltration and downfall are criminalized actions to promote distupture of the system. When the propaganda is promoted intented to destroy the establishment, the radicalism is turning into policy the whole society's system as a revolutionary society. See exemples of France and African Nations and nowadays in Chile. Some South American revolutionaries are from right or left and the new movements of Satanic Far Right, Skinheads, and far righ wing supremacists, the propaganda of violent actions turning into a polarization of radical ideologies into societies' cores, different tribal methods living and equals promoting real interest in their own intents. Being from left or right, the marginalization of the breed is the point to oppose the society's control establishment, one must be into politics, spread ideas, promote criminal activities and than the group can be accepted. Considered a satanic agent for years, the USA democrates claim him as an important figure, but more for ...

These wicked days

If you don't go crazy, you go with the majority. You go with the vulgar and the mediocrity. People must leave their conditions and push harder through fear, skepticism and questioning, go against.  Madness is not being different, it is being real. The common sense accepts the policy and laws and be eternal slaves. Don't be a sheep, be a wolf!

Struggle hard, straight to success

If you struggle hard, starve for the conquest, you will sure have your goals achieved.  Don't mind about oppinions of whose destroy the destiny with their sickened mind and bodies. Go ahead to the success.

Tomislav Sunic quotes

The crisis of modern societies has resulted in an incessant ‘uglification’ whose main vectors are liberalism, Marxism and the ‘American way of life’. Tomislav Sunic