Turkish-Russian military cooperation in Syria

The Turkish-Russian military cooperation is a projection of the geopolitical strategy of a a closer partnership of a member of NATO and the Russian geo-strategic interest on the land of Syria, together Iran, to promote a pro-Assad aliance and maintain the hegemony of Russian localy.

The Turkey have the permission to use the Airforce to a joint military patrol in Idlib province and the use of Turkish Armed Forces to a joint frontline patrol with pro-regime forces in march 2019. The Turkish-Russian agrrement in Idlib demonstrates that Syrian is failing to spoil the de-escaltion zone in Northern Syria, that Russia, Iran and Turkey signed and blocked as a de-militarized zone.

This joint patrol of a separate area near Tel Riffat north of Aleppo shoews that Russia lost a little of the presence in Syria and started new strategies to promote geo-strategical hegemony. The idea is to promote a new partnership against NATO and USA, and anti-regime forces.

Request more information at: cegtebr@gmail.com.

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