Parvulesco and the Invisible Empire - Article

When Parvulesco once told that that gravity center of the planeraty geopolitics is being in the Europe, concerning the enforces to the imperial Europe integration, the idea is to suppose that the cultural center and the traditional center of the world diplomacy and geopolitics is there. 

Parvulesco was European, so, it's sure that he would write to Europeans, exactly like Morghentau, that wrote to USA. This project still remotes to Euro-centrism, but in a case that, each civilization must restore the traditions, their own grail and promote a kind of cultural revolution, with the pre-christian values. This project still realizes that the axis trans-continental Paris-Berlin-Moscow, stablishes a core of the whole diplomacy. 

Parvulesco assures that the politics are conspirational, where the most of the actions at it's conjunture is done in the shadows, by elitist bankers, philosophers, ministers of defense and international interests, traying to promote misinformation and dumbing the society to promote the atention to USA, with project of the International Socialism, trying to put the Globalists in power and control the core of Europe.

This enforce was well done, puting the same kind of politics of Russia as socialist as it was in 70's, and put the German politics at the same way of a socialist internationalist, and promoting USA as the savior of the capitalism in the world, also the one capable to promote the idea of freedom of unity.

This politics of misinformation transforms the Russia, Germany, China and the Arab countries in an trans-caontinental aliance against the USA, promoting a secret abrupt attack against them. The idea is to put USA in a superpower of a second class, not like in the 90s, after the Cold War.

This Eurasian plan exists for sure. The arm races and arms control is normal in the relations between the countries, each country must arm themselves more than others, to promote subsjulgation of other nations. The problem is that judeo-christian economic politics and global domination politics coudl fail at the countries that promotes the idea of Guénon and Evola, also Parvulesco, traditionalism, that could restore pre-christian values and destroy the influence of these shadow empires that influence the International Relations, promoting nationalist governments. 

Every analyst knows that christianity is a religion that preaches the enslavement, a base of society, hierarchically suffocated by a leader, who promisses spiritual salvation, as the idea of communism, where the states suffocate the society.

The problem of the west is that, every kind of international politics that don't come from the bureau of the USA is a "satanic" plan in oposition to democracy. But where is the 'democracy' when a country is threatened with sanctions and military operations when just disagrees?

The geo-strategic plan of Eurasianism exists. Officialy finished in 1921, inspired the sphere of Haushoffer's Geopolitik, but restored with the idea of Dugin-Limonov, with a kind of ultra-right-Bolchevism.

Parvulesco agrees that this European Axis representes a battle, kind spiritual battle, remoting the ancient battles before the legality of an international organism, than, this politic must be driven by a politic of two entities. First is a fake politic to promote peaceful conditions. This politic was seem in the 90's and 00's first half of decade, when the Russia was still not armed yet. The other is a revolutionary politic, shadowy, just like the Bilderberg's politics, or the Trilateralists, but promoting an revolutionary action, invisible to the other side's. The book called Star of an Invisible Empire, the promotion of the Occult Parliament.

Parvulesco vision is tragic. Comparing to occultists and theosophers, he doesn't take an idea of neo-mysticism. Parvulesco's going beyond the skepticism, don't beliving that the world can be really a peaceful place, condemining the world to a materialistic view of the Kali Yuga. Going witha  prophetice level of revelation, the antencity of his vision don't accept the spiritual weak-explained concept of Christianity, and the superficial concept of the Orthodox Christian church is promoted by Satanists, as the west church preaches. Parvulesco's message preaches tat the end of time is promoted by invisible projection, promoting an apocalyptic moment, because the humans forgot its spiritual nature, gone in disagree with natural world and felt. Humanity is sleeping in darkness, full of materialistic illusions, and promoted the secret brotherhoods, orders of peopel who must control the environment and the society, with misinformations and phony wars, to control the population.

He clearly and paradoxicaly summarized a diality of a process, duplicating or quadruplicating the figures of a transcendental world's politics as its restores spiritual values of an old empire, and it promotes an idea of "Europe of the End". The idea of Nation before the Naions, transcending legacy of the Indo-European nation, former of the origins of the actual human.

These secret agents of being and nonexistence appeared in all spheres of control of the modern world, directing the process of civilization, resulting the history, on a superimposition of the polarity of the dual. These vectors of the occult nets, factories the actual concrete history. Mlitary, Terrorism, Spies, Poets, Philosophers, Techers, Media in general, Presidents, Churches, Freemasons, works as actors to promote the conspiracy of a drama, and circling the new actors to join them, and pass this reality to a new generation. This new generation will continue the previos works, but with no idea of why is doing, and so it goes, that's why new generations cannot surpass the previous. 

Conspiracy drama... this political level of conspiracy resists to a new age, with infiltration to this nets of a planetary conspiracy, instigation of metapolitics and forces opposing the mondialism/globalism. That's why there are lots of new groups of terrorists, understanding that new world is living under chaos, and under a constant destruction of values, of moral or ideological values, that promotes an intern revolt in individuals, instigating politics forming new clans.

This conspiracy promotes new heroes, anti-heroes, new religion understandings and interpretations, and stablished a world order opposing to americanism, liberalism, and teh aristocratic families that loathes democracy secretly wishing for an end of the liberal age.


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