
Mostrando postagens de março, 2019

Are you small Businessman ready for the market?

Can you prevent the scenarios and work at the post prominent one? OODA Loop and PDCA Tool are nice methoods for check the oportunities and risk managements at companies. Dominate the tools and checklist the risks can put you in advantage! Contac us for solutions and consultancy at .

Failing system is a legacy of the world government phylantropy

The debts of many nations are there promoted by international banks and speculative attack, promoted by hitmen, NGOs and other classes that are interested to take the environment and enslave people with debts. The economic dependence of any nation comes with multinational and transnational companies that promotes the restore of the environment, with the promisse of create jobs in charge of money lending and laundering, also. The number of possible new nations going to a level of a failed system is growing, at the time we see internationalists promoting support to corrupt governmets, legal sanctions and military operations in countries that they are interested. Wanna know more, contact us at .

Parvulesco and the Invisible Empire - Article

When Parvulesco once told that that gravity center of the planeraty geopolitics is being in the Europe, concerning the enforces to the imperial Europe integration, the idea is to suppose that the cultural center and the traditional center of the world diplomacy and geopolitics is there.  Parvulesco was European, so, it's sure that he would write to Europeans, exactly like Morghentau, that wrote to USA. This project still remotes to Euro-centrism, but in a case that, each civilization must restore the traditions, their own grail and promote a kind of cultural revolution, with the pre-christian values. This project still realizes that the axis trans-continental Paris-Berlin-Moscow, stablishes a core of the whole diplomacy.  Parvulesco assures that the politics are conspirational, where the most of the actions at it's conjunture is done in the shadows, by elitist bankers, philosophers, ministers of defense and international interests, traying to promote misinformation an...

The Atlas punishment

When you think that all the problem is falling over your back. Remember:

Vacuum Bomb! A disrupture at the security paradigm!

The thermobaric bomb is a kind of weapon that can disrupt each paradigm, promoting a weight to a side of the balance and promote new paradigmatic polarization, between actors! This kind of mass destruction pugnacious weapon gives a total amoral ability of deflection the anarchy of International Relations, deterrance and disrupt the paradigm of a bipolar world, giving the unity that possesses this, the blissful ability of geo-strateic maneouver and projection... Let's see? Wanna know more? Contact us at . Click the links below to understand more!

Why so many interest in Venezuela?

Corrpution and Oil... To be honest, not really oil is the most important fuel nowadays, but still is the most used. Venezuela is also a jump to Brazilian lands that has Niobium, than two of the most useful fuels. If Venezuela could be less currpitive, think about it, more oil than Saudi Arabia. Same production of Lybia and Saudi Arabia.  Geo-strategic position. As world Trumpist capitalists are pointing how Venezuela could be so poor with so many oil, they should assume that it's their goal, to have all this oil to them. Not defending that corrupt government, but everybody knows that USA government really don't care about Latin American Venezuelan, if it was truth, they should have acted before. Once teleology is not a accepted in the real anarquic world, the cycles of war for fuel, oil, new kind of natural resources and new environment are repeating, like Iran, Alaska, and so it goes... Anyway, never support that bastard corrupt called Maduro. He promoted ...

Attacks over decades

Can you map the terrorists attacks? Or better, it's nice to create prospective scenarios on terrorism. There are some new players acting together main actors that can be next terrorist targets. New wars today are contracting terrosits as operators and guerrillas, using organized crime and narco-traffic to raise funds and economy to restore terrorist groups! Which ones can be the next targets? Contact us for information and consultancy at .

New Cold War - Is Venezuela new proxy?

"The situation here is to promote a new Cold War and prevent any menace comming from the east, but have the control of the whole situation, with servants that have the interest on maintaining the leadership of USA. And the other idea is to use the "new right" promote an alert state, as an agent of chaos, to pretend on spreading the misinformation that can happen a third world war, that will come, or that Brazil will be in a war soon, listening to the guro's of the right wings in world wide, that promotes global americanism and capitalism, with the promotion of fear in population. The great truth is that, right wings don't know how to govern with loud speaches and tactical of spreading fear by propaganda and provocative tweets, it loses the credibility that took many decades to win. It's sad to see right wing comming the same as the left!" Read more at and write us at .

Nationstates Terror-politics

Do you know Nation-States still promotes terror and try to maintain their people starve, for a total control of the power, with a fake democracy and using militias against them? Venezuela is an exemple of a country which uses these strenght, police state against the civilians to keep the control. The theoretics of Lenin, Marx, Gramsci and other socialist theories will promote a program to limit the growth of population in large scale, promoting guerrilla warfare, narco-traffick, assassination and kidnap, inducing people to shut up and accept kind of absurds. Wanna know more about Terrorist States? Write us at .

Wanna be badass!?

Study! Achieve knowledge at your infitine! Keep your mind and body clean! Extreme feelings need extreme measures! Don't push too much till your mind keeps tired on your! Never lose your focus! But keep your body in action! Don't stop training! Keep strong! Mind clean and strong body can make you take good decisions, leader better! Contact us for a leadership training program: .

The projection for Terrorism

Do you know what are the next targets of terrorist groups? New actors are possible targets. Raising of new economic nations and the fall of some international groups to finance terrorism, can put the terrorist groups ways to another objectives. Promotion of new scalation of terrorism, outsourcing and also, new paradigms of terror is a new sign of these new governments. Islamophobia was one politic of the main actors of the international scenario politics, but without them ruling and other projection for new actors, claiming new objectives can promote more style of terror methoods and groups. Courses on terrorism, international security and hybrid warfare, contact us at . Soon more direct contacts!

Logistics and Business Strategies are used for terrorism

Terrorism is an outsourcing model of a competitive advantages, trade marking and warfare tactics, promoting a name and a group to act, claiming the actions to promote fear and political disrupt. This claim to support a group is a business strategy of marketing and publicity. Terrorist actors are used for a group to act as freelancers with all support of the group. Wanna know more about this, write to us at . Soon with new direct contacts!

Leadership training

Are you a good leader? Do you know tools to be a better manager and promote good relationship with employees? We have solutions, training and consultancy! Wanna improve your skills? Write us at .

Turkish-Russian alliance in Syria

The strenghtening laces between Russia and Turkey is promoting a very strategic cooperation through Eurasia, that makes USA draws down the forces in Syria. Now the promotion of a coordination with Russia with its Naval Force in the Black sea, and the expansion of a bilateral economic ties, they agreed to create a joint coordination center to conduct a joint military patrol through the frontlines in Northern Syria in March 14th.  Turkish position is depending with the cohesion of NATO to prospects a deal between US and Turkey to stabilize Eastern Syria. Erdocan repeatedly chosen to fortify this bilateral relationship with Putin at the time the expense of Turkey's alliance with NATO. Also, the trilateral superpower in Syria, together Iran, promoted a disruption in the NATO politics in Syria, that took down the strategy of USA in Syria.  In the Military field, Edrogan decided not to clash with Russia, promoting also a increasingly assertive posture in Black Sea, conduc...

Motivation first!

Keep yourself motivated! Be strong! Clean your mind!

CEGTE is supporting the New Zealand and the Maori Tradition

CEGTE gives total support and condolences to New Zealand people and the families of those who suffered on this attack! New Zealand people is a symbol of tradition and honor! Remember one thing. New Zealand is not christian. New Zealand was usurped by christians from the Maori and christians implemented christianity as the religion and the moral to be followed. But if the christians fanatics want foreigners out, they should first leave the lands they stole from the tribes. New Zealand is Maori.

Terrorist attack in New Zealand - Who promotes and who wins with? - Article

Some things must be clear about the terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. The same kind of spree killing happened in other parts of the Globe and the problem is that there are people involved that is not hard to understand. Bankers, Politicians, etc.  The Police State that promotes the traffick of information, promotes the hide of the information that must be spread and told to citizens, that they live a lie. Promotion of murdering by one agent is to privitize the State actions to promote a racial segregation and promote crowd controlling. State of constant fear against one part of population. But who gains with this politics are a group of bankers, philantropist, internatnional governments, multinationalists, globalists who will use this to implement the politician of pacifism through misinformation, disrupt of the private life, will use legal politics to invade the private accounts and implement the control of freedom of speech, claiming it's to promote peac...

Private Armies for Rent

New level warfare took the warfare to a business and outsourcing, promoting the interest of the State by the contract, with no real state disruption, just economic investments and strategic business. Promote capability of long range warfare is a differential. The position of the battle field, the political and geopolitical projection now comes through the business investitors and the benchmarks, the operative in a multinational corporation that can promote certain advantage in a war. The new level warfare, once Kaldor promoted the idea of New Wars, with irregular warfare in the Global Civil Society, and Creveld used the RAM to justify the technology in warfare, promoted the range started with Sandline and Executive Outcomes, raised to another level with Blackwater and now, ChVK Wagner is promoting a new range of strategic geopolitical projection and the new main character at the Globe is having a great advantage in the new hybrid scenario. Wanna know more, contact us at: cegte...

Revolution in Military Affairs

The use of technology is not a new in the conflicts. The use of technology and information promoted disruption in many local conflicts and the uses of small wars and new tactics were used from decades. This theoeric hypotesis on what will be the war in the scale of the growing technology that could be implemented in the battlefield is becoming more and more dynamic as the war nowadays counts on many other actors that wasn't possible to prevent decades ago. Complexity in warfare and battlefield is a very old form to take advantage and promote irregular scenarios. If you wanna learn more about RAM, contact us: .

Do you know what is happening in Venezuela?

Do you belive that State still promotes terrorism? Venezuela contracts ilegal militias against the oposition and their own population to maintain themselves in power. Bolivarian government is an exemple of terrorism of State. Wanna know more? Contact us to know more at .

Chaordic Training - are you ready!?

Are you ready for leadership training?  Reconize your weakeness and strenghten your abilities? Tell us, we are ready to this challenge! Write us at and request a course about Chaordic leadership!

Turkish-Russian military cooperation in Syria

The Turkish-Russian military cooperation is a projection of the geopolitical strategy of a a closer partnership of a member of NATO and the Russian geo-strategic interest on the land of Syria, together Iran, to promote a pro-Assad aliance and maintain the hegemony of Russian localy. The Turkey have the permission to use the Airforce to a joint military patrol in Idlib province and the use of Turkish Armed Forces to a joint frontline patrol with pro-regime forces in march 2019. The Turkish-Russian agrrement in Idlib demonstrates that Syrian is failing to spoil the de-escaltion zone in Northern Syria, that Russia, Iran and Turkey signed and blocked as a de-militarized zone. This joint patrol of a separate area near Tel Riffat north of Aleppo shoews that Russia lost a little of the presence in Syria and started new strategies to promote geo-strategical hegemony. The idea is to promote a new partnership against NATO and USA, and anti-regime forces. Read more at: http://guerraa...

Brazil: State Collapse!

Did state Failed? Society failed? Brazilian State is in collapse and it's a proccess comming from decades. Wanna know more! Contact us at . Soon more direct contacts! Which side rules Brazil now? Soceity is corrupted and it's a step for a fail!

Is South America the new target of Terorism?

New governments of right, Pro-Israel and Christian ideological governments. New governments in South America have been strenghtening laces to USA. The new right and the liberal capitalism become a new paradigm and the media is trying to disrupt the facts. Fake news and spread of a Islamophobia. In South America, Foro de São Paulo financed narco terrorism, and opened the borders to illegal arms uncontrolled. The friendship to contract terrorists as mercenaries and promote immigration. Globalism had became a paradigm that is being fought by liberals from the Alt-Right and the traditionalist, formed by east countries. Can South America be a new target of terrorism, fundamentalist, anarcho or leftist terrorism, financed by old socialist blocs? Request more information with us at .

Carlo Terracciano - Geopolitics and Traditionalism - Article

One of the great geopoliticians from the last decades, from the school of traditionalism and Evolianism will be for sure reconized for the ideological position, for the principles of the Rome and the regret to the moral facts of the Roman effects and the modern world views. The born man called Carlo Terracciano made teh actions of our own time in the face of the Roman cradle to our traditions, in theoretics and praxis that founded in some indivisible. The pradigmatic form of action of the geopilitics tradition in European continent, tracking the ideological genesis of this school. Regreting to the cradle of geopolitics, the eschatology of a dual order, that since the imperialist H. Mackinder when articulated the first main rule of the geopolitics, the sea civilization (thalassocracy) in conflict with the landing civilization (tellurocracy) - kind of seen in the hegenomic dispute between Athena and Sparta. Mackinder firstly gave the idea of the transference of the strategic and...

Syrian war scalation

The new strategic employment in Syria is a exploitation by Russia and Iran to withdrawal the USA from Syria, mobilizing additional pro-Assad units to Middle Euphrates River Valley in Eastern Syria. Inclyding the Elite of Syrian Arab Army, together the Russian Armed Forces, blocked an imminent offensive by Turkey against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Manbij, in Northern Syria. The Russo-Iranian coalition deterred the strategical attacks by NATO units, as Turkey's as NATO actor. President Donald Trump recent decision made a residual force of 400 troops in Syria for an imadiate takeover of valuable natural resources and infraestructure in Eastern Syria by Iran, Russia and Assad. The environmental politician made the movement through the Euphrates River to promote a geo-strategic position in physical landing, promoting direct clash between small units. The lack of tactical requirement and difficult position, to promote the defense of a fifty-five kilometer exclusion zone, in...

What are your goals?

Can you find your full potential to leadership? Can you find your full potential to achieve your goals and your team success? What are your full potential? Do you know? Contact us, we have leadership training programs to your success! Contact us at: . Soon with new direct contacts!

PMC - What they are able to do

Do you know the capability of the PMCs and what can they do? PMCs are the main character in the new conflicts and the lack of politician to regulate them, make them the full range actor to promote the victory in small warfare units. Contact us for more information at: . Soon we will have new direct contacts.

Venezuelan Crisis

What is happening in Venezuela? Do you know? If interested, contact us for a seminar.

Terrorism and Organized Crime

Know the difference? But, anyway, do you know organized crime and terrorism have a lot in common? Contact us at to know more about it. Money laundering, drug traffick, kidnap and other criminal modalities are used by terrorist groups to promote terror through small unit fronts. Courses on Organized Crime, theories, Terrorism, Hybrid Warfare and International Security.