Corrpution and Oil... To be honest, not really oil is the most important fuel nowadays, but still is the most used. Venezuela is also a jump to Brazilian lands that has Niobium, than two of the most useful fuels. If Venezuela could be less currpitive, think about it, more oil than Saudi Arabia. Same production of Lybia and Saudi Arabia. Geo-strategic position. As world Trumpist capitalists are pointing how Venezuela could be so poor with so many oil, they should assume that it's their goal, to have all this oil to them. Not defending that corrupt government, but everybody knows that USA government really don't care about Latin American Venezuelan, if it was truth, they should have acted before. Once teleology is not a accepted in the real anarquic world, the cycles of war for fuel, oil, new kind of natural resources and new environment are repeating, like Iran, Alaska, and so it goes... Anyway, never support that bastard corrupt called Maduro. He promoted ...