
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2021

Motivate yourself with power itself

Motivation and pleasure are your friends. Horror of the modernity is the cause of motivation. Find pleasure in horror and become power itself inside you!  Go above everyone and know that core of world itself is inside your own.

Metaphysical power

"When someone goes against the limitations imposed by society, goes for the goals, not by fear, but by pleasure. The inner self becomes unstopable. Free your mind of negativity and feed yourself with good desires. Search your inner strength and find your goals. Trace your objectives and become the power yourself."

Fraudulent stuff to promote globalization

Emenies of moral find the Trump's out to promote the destruction of the self and the destruction of the tradition. Criminalize tradition, criminalize the different thinkers of the world.  The idea is to promote the criminalization of the self, promoting the collective society and progressist economic system, based in enslavement of phisosophical thinking and the enslavement by the debt payment. The great restart is real and it's happening. Use the viral chaos to this promotion is what they need. Viral chaos was their friend. And maybe their weapon. Destroy China, promote enslavement, restart world's to their ideals. Go search for the survivalism. Stay out of the modernity and have your skills improved... contemporary world will be an eternal battle - inner and outer!  

Basic skills for the analogic survivor

 “If you can’t deadlift 1.5x your weight, run a sub 7 minute mile, write a 5000 word essay on something you believe in, change your own oil, use basic hand/power tools, & cook a good meal then shut the fuck up with your political opinions. Work on you before you work on the world.” - Anonymous


 A suitable camo is always important, prepare yourself according to your geographic area.

Geo-Strategic Maps and Operations of Organized Crime

Organized crimes has to do with the economy and the corruption level of the country. It's easy to commit crimes in places where legal procces are soft. The criminal activities start in political dome, than the legal system can be soft with thelselves.  It's not a fake stuff, it's logical to promote criminal activities in borders and geopolitics of the crimes. Criminal activities raises local economy with paralel financial system, and the fund hedges to the major criminals have hiearchy in a system, which started in strategic political level to the operational. Crime is a organism which works well structured.

The great reset

The WEF is promoting progressist agenda promoting the crash of the traditionalism and the unification of international relations under an aegis of social-democracy agenda, unified economy under principles of stakeholders and financial philanthropists which will base policy for collectivist agenda. The new order of left and right is not under the idea of liberal capitalism or leftist socialism, but the neo-marxist agenda and cultural marxism financed by international neoliberal bankers which will promote a limitation of education, based on international policy of which history will be told or which information will be vehiculated, instead of it, punishment. Profile cancelations, legal process and financial charge transition. Future idea is to destimulate physical money and promote the currency in virtual crypto-money, will be easy to take the taxes and make people under an obliteration with debts. These stakeholders are promoting this agenda, but with the Covid crisis and the world'...

Can you survive at the new world order?

World is becoming more and more hostile. This hostility arose some questions about how to survive or being prepared for the new order. Order of bankers, corporations, clash of left and right wings promoted by shadow governments and bureaucracy masked of philanthropy. The question is how to survive on it, being those mind focused and body prepared. In questions of self-militarization, self-discipline, capability of survivalism under the world's bankrupt and clash of economy, citizenship will be totally charged and enslaved. The new model of economy is about to take the salary and reduce the corporations expenses, promoting a general unemployment, excused by the situation of the pandemic remains and failure of any international bank. Can you resist it? Will you be able to survive at the and be out of the new normal? Covid brought the acceleration process to the end of the economic era and individualism. Global investors are trying to put on the great reset and try to restore the worl...

4th Gen Warfare and the denial of western civilization culture (portuguese)

  A competição do poder e a instabilidade formada pela polarização tira o core da guerra da teoria Clauzewitziana, variando o seu nível de intensidade e angariando outras variantes decisivas para a guerra. A guerra total perdeu sentido para pequenos conflitos localizados, e progressão sob égide de partidos políticos e polarização. Parte desta política é baseada na negação do que o ocidente reconhece como o establishment entre dois polos de destino da civilização. A caracterização da Quarta Geração da Guerra é a descentralização da capacidade marcial dos Estados como atores e proprietários da capacidade militar. Os agentes não estatais e transnacionais produzem capacidade orgânica, seguindo exemplos de guerra assimétrica e guerra de guerrilhas ao longo da história - desde a antiga, enquanto conceitos novos ganham significância. O conceito tradicional Westfaliano sobre legitimidade do poder e extensão do uso da força emanado dos agentes de estados nações está fadado ao fracasso atrav...