
Mostrando postagens de julho, 2020

Wagner Group operating in Libya

Wagner's Company is very prominent in this proxy, creating competitive advantage and promoting business mercenary activity, giving logistic and training support to the Libyan troops. The high capability company promotes proximity between Libyan government and Kremlin and support clandestine operations and psywar in the proxies over North Africa, capable to act North through Mediterranean over Europe and down to South over USA influenced countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The strategic position of Wagner's bases are focused in a siege over Mediterranean Sea, over NATO's military presence, and with the surveillance and reactive military support.

Read Julius Evola

On the capability of survive and understand the modern world, search for the great phisolophers who can teach you how to evoke the heroic spirits and conquest your honor and pride at the Kali Yuga. Be the champion. Be able to survive. Conquer! Rise above the ruins! Society is fucked up, and be prepared in mind and spirit will make able to focus over the whole political environment of enslavement and destruction of the self.

If you do it right, as it must be done...

You will be considered a hero. Intead of it, you just serve your life and morals as well, the right way of living, doesn't matter bureaucracy or any other kind of adulation, you just do it because it's right and it must be done. Nothing to be a heroic atitude than be yourself all the time, but the world is so wicked and so flattered that when someone do right thing, he/she is considered heroes, people beyond the excelency and reconzied as a model, while they just did what everyone should do. Heroic atitudes are beyond it, it's while you risk something lovely to a position on do what is also right again, but not of your business sometimes. Heroes are in the root a demigods, someone with capabilities above our natural ones, historically we had some philosophically heroes, and we still have. People around you doing right things for something bigger of what they consider their lives. But everyday, heroic paradigms are not vulgars. Not mediocre as their observers' lives. Par...

Corruption helps organized criminal activities

According to the index of corruption, the countries that has more criminal activities are the same that has a great number of corruption proccesses involving politics. The make up of politics and the media covering the situation, hiding the truth, some countries became the most corrupted and corruptive in the world business diplomacy, as the policy is moved by the money laundry and favours exchange, coutnries are being into a very questionable relation of diplpmacy and international business. From 2017 to now, some countries have got worse at the level, as the new right policy changed the diplomatic paradigm to a more extreme and more ideological point, turning not to internal and international interests, but to the politic figures themselves. After the Covid-19 it changed and soon I will post a new text about how it became a problem to the politics world wide in corruptive countries.

The meaning of terrorism is being distorted

The dicotomy on terrorism is going through personal ideologies. Leftists want to use the police forces and national security as terrorism - imposing their revolutionary and guerrilla groups as democratics. The alt-right wings want to impose that Antifa as terrorists, not an ideological expression and civil unrest. The many aespects of interpretations on terrorism is making the real mean to be forgotten, distorted, and everyone is interpreting terrorism as the convenience of themselves.

The legal proccess for the promotion of political figures

They create the laws. That's their form wchich State have to punish the opposition and control the whole society under one vigency.  Laws are written to bennefit the dome of society - formed by bankers, legislators and politicians - all working by the same corporations and interests. The use of force and legal system is done to punish the society, even in democratic societies, the State Terrorism and coercion of population is common. The conquest by fear, implementation of morals, taxes and indoctrination, create the fidelity of people in a character, that maintains the system - left or right, capitalistic or socialistic. A new moral is to promote iconic figures, following a sectary logic and messianic icons in a political character. The logic of today is not the might is right, nor a tribal nationalism. It's the enslavement by the debts and abdication of liberty in for the adoration of political figures. Messianic bastards and iconolatry.