
Mostrando postagens de 2015

Second Battle of Fallujah (documentary)- Operation Phantom Fury

In February 2004, control of Fallujah and the surrounding area in the Al-Anbar province was transferred from the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division to the 1st Marine Division. Shortly afterward, on 31 March 2004, four American private military contractors from Blackwater USA were ambushed and killed in the city. Images of their mutilated bodies were broadcast around the world. U.S. Marine Corps forces launched Operation Vigilant Resolve (4 April 2004) to take back control of the city from insurgent forces. On 28 April 2004, Operation Vigilant Resolve ended with an agreement where the local population was ordered to keep the insurgents out of the city. Operation Phantom Fury — was a joint American, Iraqi, and British offensive in November and December 2004, considered the highest point of conflict in Fallujah during the Iraq War. It was led by the U.S. Marine Corps against the Iraqi insurgency stronghold in the city of Fallujah and was authorized by the U.S

Russian Spetsnaz Army FSB ФСБ Centre 2013 Documentary (English Subtitles)

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB; Russian: Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации ( ФСБ ), tr. Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii, IPA: [fʲɪdʲɪˈralʲnəjə ˈsluʐbə bʲɪzɐˈpasnəstʲɪ rɐˈsʲijskəj fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjɪ]) is the principal security agency of Russia and the main successor agency to the USSR's Committee for State Security (KGB). Its main responsibilities are within the country and include counter-intelligence, internal and border security, counter-terrorism, and surveillance as well as investigating some other types of grave crimes and federal law violations. It is headquartered in Lubyanka Square, Moscow's centre, in the main building of the former KGB. According to the 1995 Federal Law "On the Federal Security Service", direction of the FSB is executed by the president of Russia, who appoints the Director of FSB.

Peter Warren Singer, "Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know" | Authors at Goolge (palestra)

Cybersecurity and CyberWar discusses the cybersecurity issues that challenge everyone: politicians wrestling with everything from cybercrime to online freedom; generals protecting the nation from new forms of attack while planning new cyberwars; business executives defending firms from once unimaginable threats; lawyers and ethicists building new frameworks for right and wrong. In Cybersecurity and CyberWar, New York Times best-selling author Peter W. Singer and noted cyber expert Allan Friedman team up to provide the kind of easy-to-read, deeply informative resource book that has been missing on this crucial issue of 21st century life. The book is structured around the key question areas of cyberspace and its security: how does it work and why does it matter? Also discussed are the important (and entertaining) issues and characters of cybersecurity, from the "Anonymous" hacker group and the Stuxnet computer virus to the new cyber units of the Chinese and US militaries....

The Strange Case of Yukio Mishima - 1985 - BBC - Arena - documentary

Here's a fascinating documentary about famous Japanese Writer and Nationalist Yukio Mishima. This BBC produced documentary about Yukio Mishima highlights the many known major aspects of his life and personality. Mishima was a pen name he adopted en route to his chosen life as a writer. He eventually became recognized as one of Japan's most prolific post-World War II writers, producing stories, plays and novels. He became tortured by his bisexuality/homosexuality and shyness around people as a young man. Both of these played a role in his work as did many other eventful occurrences throughout his life. Mishima had an admirable dedication to the forgotten samurai way of life and ideals, which later turned into an unhealthy obsession, culminating in the storming of a general's garrison on November 25, 1970. It was Mishima's way of combining beauty, art, and action; ultimately the garrison forced to assemble and listen to his speech on that day rejected him. Mi...

Jeremy Scahill on the Blackwater Security Scandal (2007)

On September 16, 2007, Blackwater military contractors shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad. The fatalities occurred while a Blackwater Personal Security Detail (PSD) was clearing the way for a convoy of US State Department vehicles transporting diplomats to a meeting in western Baghdad with officials of the United States Agency for International Development. The killings outraged Iraqis and strained relations between Iraq and Washington. Blackwater guards said that the convoy was ambushed and that they fired at the attackers in defense of the convoy. The Iraqi government and Iraqi police investigator Faris Saadi Abdul allege that the killings were unprovoked. The next day, Blackwater Worldwide's license to operate in Iraq was temporarily revoked. The US State Department has said that "innocent life was lost" and according to the Washington Post, a military report appeared to corroborate "the Iraqi government's content...

Inside ​Japan's Controversial Military Expansion

Rise of the Samurai: How Japan's growing military is setting off alarm bells both in Japan and around the world. Subscribe to Journeyman for more: For downloads and more information visit: As tensions with China continue to escalate, Japan is ramping up the role of its military as a deterrent power. But many are worried this aggressive posture will lead to a repeat of the mistakes of the past. "As I don't know the purpose and intention of unidentified aircraft approaching our air space, I always become tense", says Sho Yoshida, a fighter pilot with Japan's Self Defence Forces. This unified military outfit was formed following the Allied occupation of Japan at the end of WW2, and is constitutionally restricted to defending the nation. But now a heightening feud with China over the disputed Senkaku Islands, as well as the country's proximity to a wildly unpredictable...

'Mercenaries' do it better!

Seguir regras as vezes tem um preço bem caro! Quando se tem uma legislação dentro de um país em conflito as vezes é complicado que os agentes de segurança pública exerçam seus trabalhos dentro da lei, principalmente quando uma polícia e uma força armada de segurança tem que tomar conta do governo, servir a população e travar uma guerrilha contra uma força fantasma. No caso de um grupo terrorista como o Boko Haram, que está bem armado, e age com genocídios, torturas, amedrontando a população e não tendo uma frente regular diante das forças armadas, seguir as regras é difícil para conter a violência. Neste cenário de guerra irregular, atuar com uma força privada pode ter um maior êxito. O governo Nigeriano ao contratar a STTEP International visando sanar o problema do avanço do Boko Haram, buscou ter o treinamento da antiga Executive Outcomes, e ter um melhor equipamento. Conseguiu com êxito conter o Boko Haram de continuar seguindo em frente e tomando território. "South...

Irregular Warfare, Hybrid Threats, and the Future Role of Ground Forces

Traditional threats are posed by states using recognized military capabilities and forces in comprehended forms of military campaign and conflict. Irregular threats are posed by an adversary employing unconventional, asymmetric methods and means to counter traditional U.S. advantages. These methods and means can include such means of irregular warfare as terrorism, insurgency and guerrilla war-fare, and can accompany economic, political, informational and cultural means as well. Catastrophic threats involve the acquisition, possession and use of nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological weapons – weapons of mass destruction (WMA). Disruptive threats involve an enemy using or developing new, breakthrough technolo-gies to reduce U.S. advantages. In war, a state actor will generally match available means—defined by a portion of gross domestic product matched to technological capability—to projected political end-states—contingency requirements planned against potential ad...

Confessions of an Economic Hitman (prólogo e documentário)

Website of John Perkins excerpt from Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins P R O LO G U E Quito, Ecuador’s capital, stretches across a volcanic valley high in the Andes, at an altitude of nine thousand feet. Residents of this city, which was founded long before Columbus arrived in the Americas, are accustomed to seeing snow on the surrounding peaks, despite the fact that they live just a few miles south of the equator. The city of Shell, a frontier outpost and military base hacked out of Ecuador’s Amazon jungle to service the oil company whose name it bears, is nearly eight thousand feet lower than Quito. A steaming city, it is inhabited mostly by soldiers, oil workers, and the indigenous people from the Shuar and Kichwa tribes who work for them as prostitutes and laborers. To journey from one city to the other, you must travel a road that is both tortuous and breathtaking. Local people will tell you that during the trip you experience a...

Conflict Minerals, Rebels and Child Soldiers in Congo (documentário)

Warlords, soldiers, and child laborers all toil over a mineral you've never even heard of. Coltan is a conflict mineral in nearly every cell phone, laptop, and electronic device. It's also tied to the deaths of over 5 million people in Congo since 1990. Hosted by Alison Suroosh Alvi | Originally released in 2011 at Click here to help: Watch more VICE documentaries here: Subscribe for videos that are actually good: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr:

Attack Of The Drones (Military Documentary) | Real Stories

They can move together in swarms, build towers, dance, throw and catch, assess targets and soon will even make their own decisions. Both in war and at home, drones are developing fast and gaining control. Facebook - Instagram - @realstoriesdocs Twitter: Content licensed from JourneyManPictures. Any queries, please contact us at: Check out our new website for more incredible documentaries: HD and ad-free. Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here:

Mercenaries in Iraq (documentário)


Nigerian Hidden War (documentário)

Firstly, on behalf of millions of Nigerians across the globe, we thank Channel 4 Dispatches Program for exposing the truth about the hidden war that is been waged in Nigeria against Nigerians by Boko Haram in connivance with Nigerian State Agents. We can assure you that we ordinary concerned Nigerians and friends of Nigeria will ensure that millions of innocent Nigerians demand justice. Once again, we thank you for this brilliant service to humanity with a high probability of saving lives in the future. ---------------------------------------- ­---------------------------------------- ­--------------- Dear Nigerians, Information reaching us since yesterday confirms our suspicion that Nigerian Government has used mutiny to BARRED OTHERS INCLUDING Nigerians across the world except UK to have access to this Video which confirms without any shred of doubt that Nigerian Armed Forces are committing act of genocide against Nigerians, especially thousands of innocent Northerne...

Security dilema?

A competência e capacidade de alguns chamados mercenários corporativos sempre retoma a questão já levantada sobre qual é o limite de fato da guerra. Em um ambiente totalmente irregular em que não se sabe quem é quem, desde as grandes guerras do século XX, o contrato de atores que resolveriam os problemas criados pelos estadistas é algo constante e acaba sendo fundamental, já que o Estado não pode ir de fato até onde ele gostaria, e nem sabe-se a capacidade que este teria de ir. A destruição total está fora de questão, então agir dentre um cenário permitido requer alguma sabedoria e capacidade técnica, operacional, estratégica, tática. De todos os chamados mercenários corporativos o mais significante é sem dúvidas  Eeben Barlow , veterano de forças especiais da África do Sul, além de grande administrador, tendo ele criado o que hoje em dia se conhece como PMC, tem capacidade tático-operacional para atuar em campo, fazendo com que a excelência nas operações da Executive Outcomes e a...

Guns for Hire (documentário)

Imagem Date: November 2005 Location: Afghanistan Distributor: Sky One (15 May 2006) -- 46 min. Credits: directed and filmed by Claudio von Planta Reporter and Producer -- Sam Kiley / Co-Director and Producer - Jim Foster Editor -- Olivia Baldwin / Production Company -- Carbon HQ

Operatio Gladio

A Espada!             Operações Especiais, espionagem, terrorismo, mercenarismo, nunca foram tabus dentro de instituições. Durante a Guerra Fria a OTAN em conjunto com a CIA comandou uma operação secreta que se chamou  Operatio Gladio  (Operação Espada), que mantinha uma rede por detrás das forças armadas da Itália, buscando informações do envolvimento de seus chefes de estado com o comunismo, tal qual o avanço da URSS ao ocidente. O cenário de operações era atuar na Europa e a estratégia era criar tensão impedindo uma ascensão da esquerda ao poder.             Assim após a queda do Muro de Berlim o mundo foi dividido em esferas, hostis entre si, vindas de um passado onde qualquer meio fora necessário para que fossem controladas. Dentre estes exemplos as ações da URSS diante da Hungria de da Checoslováquia. Porém não há dúvidas quanto a forma que o ocidente mantev...