Terrorism as a rational phenomenon pt. 2 (article - partial)
It’s very complex to link a logic on suicide terrorism and rational theories into economy, but it’s coming back to the Durkheim theory of anomic suicide, when there is no reason to live. In general the social problems and economics, are linked and religious fanaticism can be a trigger for invite people for a cause, not excluding their own will. The psychological terrorist exists in the confines of any modern society. “Some terrorists are unbalanced, violent individuals suffering some form of psychosis. Others may be egomaniacs driven to achieve recognition through violence, and who attract a following of other dysfunctional individuals. This characterization may be accurate in cases where terrorists appear to have no logical goal, or motivation, or a purpose that makes little sense to normal people. This can include cases where the goal is the psychological benefit achieved by vengeance (Timothy McVe...